Four-Year Area Plan

Periodically, each Area Agency on Aging is required to submit plans to the State Unit on Aging (DOEA) identifying goals for service delivery that reflect the priorities of the Older Americans Act. The Area Plan is the result of extensive planning which includes community assessments, surveys, and counsel from all interested parties. In our 2024-2027 Area Plan, you’ll find detailed information about older adult residents of Miami-Dade and Monroe counties, discover their unique needs and challenges, and learn how our agency, along with our service providers, is working to meet these needs.

If you have any questions regarding the information contained within the Area Plan, please feel free to contact our office.

Click here to access the 2024-2027 Area Plan Program Module (3 MB .PDF)

In preparation for developing this Area Plan, the Alliance conducted a community needs assessment, in collaboration with the Health Council of South Florida, Inc. (HCSF) to analyze the current and projected needs of older adults living in Miami-Dade and Monroe counties. The purpose of this needs assessment is to understand the environment where services are delivered by summarizing its strengths and resources available, as well as help to identify risks, opportunities, and gaps that may challenge the delivery of services to the community.

Click here to access the Community Needs Assessment (9 MB PDF)

Click here to access the Community Needs Assessment Summary (5 MB PDF)