In 2011, the Florida Legislature created Part IV of Chapter 409, Florida Statutes, directing the Agency to create the Statewide Medicaid Managed Care (SMMC) program.
The SMMC program has two key components: The Managed Medical Assistance program and the Long-term Care program.
Specially trained staff at our Aging & Disability Resource Center is available to listen to your concerns and provide you with information for a variety of resources, publicly funded programs, private pay services and long-term care options including the Medicaid Managed Long-Term Care Program. Please call the Helpline at 305-670-4357 for Dade, Toll Free 786-862-6078 for Monroe, or Toll Free at 1-800-963-5337.
For more information about the Statewide Medicaid Managed Care Long-Term Care program, please visit the LTC website at:
Below is an educational video with information about Medicaid Long Term Care Home and Community Based Services : https://www.