A Matter of Balance
A Matter of Balance is an award-winning program designed to manage falls and increase activity levels.
Dates TBA | Cost: FREE
Classes will be offered throughout Miami-Dade County. If you would like to schedule at your center, indicate your interest and join our waiting list by completing the form below.
Many older adults experience a fear of falling. People who develop this fear often limit their activities, which can result in physical weakness, making the risk of falling even greater. A Matter of Balance is an award-winning program designed to reduce the fear of falling, increase confidence and improve activity levels among older adults.
A Matter of Balance is offered as an eight-week series with two-hour sessions held weekly, or a four-week series with two-hour sessions twice a week. Workshops are offered in English and Spanish.
A Matter of Balance is most appropriate for people who:
- Are 60 or older
- Concerned about falls
- Interested in improving flexibility, balance, and strength
Participants learn how to:
- View falls as controllable
- Set goals for increasing activity
- Make changes to reduce their fall risk at home
- Exercise to increase strength and balance
Learn More
Would you like to learn more about the Alliance for Aging falls prevention programming? Please use the form below to indicate your interest in this program and we will reach out to you with information on how to participate.
Do you know if your home is free of fall hazards? Check out the CDC’s “Check for Safety” brochure to learn how you can help prevent falls in your own home.
This program is free, but registration is required. Please fill out the form below to get on our mailing list for this program so we can alert you to new dates.
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