Join us every Friday at 3 pm for open dialogue, support, and company during these unprecedented times.
Live, Learn and Grow – Weekly facilitated conversations, delivered via Zoom.
You can call into the meeting or join online by clicking this link
https://uniper-care.zoom.us/j/6701243006 , or calling into
1-301-715-8592, meeting room # 670 124 3006.
- Jan. 15: Setting Goals with Meaning for 2021
- Jan. 22: Three magic words: resilience, patience, and adaptability
- Jan. 29: Helping Others-Healing Ourselves
- Feb. 5: Meditation and Your Health
- Feb. 12: Using Mantras, Affirmations and Visualization for a Happier Life
- Feb. 19: Redefining what is Essential
- Feb. 26: Embracing Forgiveness
- Mar. 5: 5 Tips to Communicate Better with Others
- Mar. 12: Self-care: nurturing the relationship with yourself
- Mar. 19: With lemons we make lemonade
- Mar. 26: Living Mindfully
- Apr. 2: What type of coping skills do you have?
- Apr. 9: How can you take control of your life?
- Apr. 16: Writing Your Story-Leaving a Legacy
- Apr. 23: Is it OK not Being OK?
- Apr. 30: Cultivating an Attitude of Gratitude
- May 7: Are you Alone or Lonely?
- May 14: Managing Stress and Anxiety
- May 21: Letting Go of Regret and Worry
- May 28: Finding (and Living!) Your Passion
Ligia M. Houben, MA, FT, FAAGC, CPC, CHT
Is the founder of My Meaningful Life, LLC and The Center for Transforming Lives in Miami, FL where she consults with individuals and families; offers coaching/support groups and workshops.