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Medicare Fraud Prevention Week Statewide Kick-off Event

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SHINE (Serving Health Insurance Needs of Elders) will be hosting LIVE online Zoom classes for anyone interested in learning more about Medicare, Medicare Financial Assistance and the latest in Scams!  

You can join via computer or by phone!      

Register in advance:

Hosted by PSA3 Florida SHINE Team – Questions: email:  or call: (352) 692-5209  

Call your local Elder Helpline @ 1-800-262-2243 or visit for additional assistance.

#BecomeaSHINEVolunteer – visit

Call Florida SHINE or SMP 800-963-5337 or visit OR the National SHIP site: for more details.


The Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) nationwide kicks off MEDICARE FRAUD PREVENTION WEEK JUNE 3 – JUNE 9, 2024.

This week focuses on the actions everyone: caregivers, families, health care providers, partners and professionals, and our community can take to prevent, detect, and report Medicare fraud and abuse!

To help spread the word, please visit: for details.

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