2022-A CCE RFP Settlement
The appeal to the 2022A CCE RFP has been resolved through a Settlement Agreement agreed to by all participating parties. The settlement agreement names the following agencies as Lead Agencies in Miami-Dade County beginning 7/21/23:
United Home Care
Independent Living Systems
First Quality Home Care

Lead Agency designation for Monroe County remains as:
Independent Living Systems

Notice of Intent to Appeal

Results of the 2022-A CCE RFP

Pursuant to the RFP process and approved by the Alliance for Aging Board of Directors on April 13, 2023, the following have been awarded Lead Agency Designation and will be awarded CCE & HCE Contracts to begin July 1, 2023:

Miami-Dade County:

Florida Care Management Services

Independent Living Systems

United Home Care

Monroe County:

Independent Living Systems