Tai Ji Quan Moving for Better Balance

Dates TBA | Cost: FREE

Classes will be offered throughout Miami-Dade County. If you would like to schedule at your center, indicate your interest and join our waiting list by completing the form below.

Research suggests tai chi outperforms conventional exercise in improving mobility and balance for seniors (msn.com)

Falls are a leading cause of injury for people aged 65 and older, but they are not an inevitable part of aging and there are proven ways to prevent them. To empower older adults to stay active, independent, and safe in their homes, the Alliance for Aging offers a class called Tai Ji Quan – Moving for Better Balance.

Tai Ji Quan improves leg strength, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, immune system, sleep, and the ability to concentrate and multitask.

This is a 12-week evidence-based group exercise program. The program, based on the principles of tai chi, is led by a qualified instructor and teaches eight movements modified especially for fall prevention. In the program, you’ll work to improve balance, muscle strength, flexibility, and mobility to enhance overall physical health, which leads to better functioning in daily activities. Participation in the program may also result in better mental health, reduced stress, improved memory and cognition, and increased self-esteem.

Learn More

Would you like to learn more about the Alliance for Aging falls Tai Ji Quan Moving for Better Balance program? Please use the form below to indicate your interest in this program and we will reach out to you with information on how to participate.

This program is free, but registration is required. Please fill out the form below to get on our mailing list for this program so we can alert you to new dates.

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